Communicating for Connection

In the "Communicating for Connection" workshop, participants delve into the heart of meaningful interactions and relationships in early childhood settings. With a focus on re-framing 'attention-seeking' behaviours to 'connection-seeking', educators are guided to explore the profound impact of effective communication on a child's sense of belonging and development.

Through engaging discussions and practical exercises, educators will be better equipped to nurture meaningful interactions, supporting a child's holistic development in a secure and responsive environment.

Participant Outcomes

  • Acquire strategies to identify and respond to 'connection-seeking' behaviours, fostering a deeper bond between educators and children.

  • Enhance communication techniques to support a child's sense of belonging and becoming.

  • Cultivate a reflective practice to continuously improve interaction quality and foster a nurturing environment.

  • Discover how to harness one's own 'Skill to Fill' in order to replenish the 'Connection Cup,' leading to a deeper sense of fulfilment and well-being as a practitioner.

  • Develop a personalised plan to enhance self-regulation skills, enabling a harmonious co-regulation process with children who are dysregulated, fostering a supportive, understanding environment.

Your Facilitator

Facilitator Briana Thorne

Briana is a passionate and experienced early years education specialist. Briana has worked across a variety of roles in early years education as an Early Childhood Teacher, Educational Leader, Centre Director, Area Manager, State Manager and General Manager. Briana’s passion for the highest quality education and care led her to work for the Victorian Regulatory Authority supporting and assessing services practices and quality through regulatory and Assessment and Rating procedures. Briana has her Masters in Early Years Education with a specialisation in Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment. Briana’s philosophy places the child at the heart of every decision, connection and action across early years settings. Advocating for children’s agency, embracing children’s voices and child-led educational programming and planning has been a long-held practice. As an experienced leader and mentor, Briana enjoys teaching and supporting educators and leaders to build strong, supported teams of professionals with a shared culture of growth, care and to enable teams to flourish together. With a Bachelor of Arts in Literature and Performing Arts, Briana has a dramatic streak and her skills in documentation and the written word support her in providing engaging and high quality training. In her downtime, Briana enjoys filling her giant Connection and Mastery cups by spending quality time with her family, taking on yet another project or challenging herself to learn something new time and again.

Course curriculum

    1. Download Your Reflection Booklet

    2. Communicating for Connection Part 1

    3. The Phoenix Cups Overview

    4. Your Cups Profile

    5. Communicating for Connection Part 2

    6. ACECQA Inappropriate Discipline Fact Sheet

    7. Activity Break

    8. Communicating for Connection Part 3

    9. Interaction Ratio Calculator

    10. Connection Plan

About this course

  • $98.00
  • 16 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content


  • How long will this course take to complete?

    We estimate that this course will take you between 4-5 hours to complete. This includes the time taken to go through all of the content and to complete the reflection documentation.

  • How do I get my certificate?

    To receive your certificate, you must click on 'Complete & Continue' on every page of the course. Once you've done this your certificate download button should come up in the top left corner of your course, where the progress bar is.

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