Filling the Fun Cup® : Fostering Joy
Theory, research, and practical strategies for meeting children's need for fun and fostering joy
An online course with Elise Waghorn from Phoenix Support for educators
Are you an early childhood educator working with children who:
Learn how to confidently respond to these behaviours by increasing every child's sense of joy within your program.
This course will enable you to have a deeper knowledge of how to support children to fill their Fun Cup®.
The Fun Cup drives our need for joy. This Cup is filled by play, humour, stimulation, novelty, and celebration.
This course will give you practical strategies and more confidence to plan for children's holistic wellbeing, increase a sense of fun and playfulness within you program, and ensure children in your care have a strong sense of joy.
Learn how to confidently foster a child's sense of joy by:
Responding to children’s need for playfulness
Developing holistic wellbeing plans
Slowing down to enjoy pleasurable moments
Bringing STEAM into the classroom to stimulate learning
Support schematic play
Understand and plan for differences in individual children’s needs for fun
How to Use This Platform
FREE PREVIEWStudent Walk Through Video
About Your Facilitator - Elise Waghorn
Before We Begin...
Introducing The Phoenix Cups® Framework
The Phoenix Cups Overview
FREE PREVIEWThe Phoenix Cups - An overview with Sandi Phoenix
Fun Cup Handout
Filling the Fun Cup with Elise Waghorn
Fun Cup Mindmap
Resource Library
What did you learn about the Fun Cup?
Final Reflection
Get in touch with the team at Phoenix Support
Other Professional and Personal Development Opportunities
Phoenix Support for Educators
An essential series for educators working with 0-3 year old children. Includes 3 individual short courses - brain development, learning through sensory play, and schematic play. Facilitated by Elise Waghorn from Phoenix Support for Educators.
A resource hub with hundreds of high quality resources for educators compiled by the teams at Reflections of an Educators, Phoenix Support for Educators, and Sticks and Stones Education.
You have access to this course for 4 weeks. We estimate it will take you about 3 hours to complete, so we have allowed for 1 hour per week and an extra week for catch up.
To receive your certificate, you must click on 'Complete & Continue' on every page of the course. Once you've done this your certificate download button should come up in the top left corner of your course, where the progress bar is.