A four part course for early childhood educators

Understanding children's development is paramount to effective planning for children's wellbeing and learning in early years settings. This four part, self paced series designed for early childhood educators will cover content around intellectual, language, gross and fine motor, sensory, social and emotional development. 

Intellectual Development
Language Development
Gross and Fine Motor Development
Social and Emotional Development

Intellectual development

With special focus on identifying and supporting giftedness

Intellectual development underpins many child behaviours, such as imitating the play (both prosocial and antisocial) of peers; being able to share; daytime naps; toilet learning; and attention skills, to name but a few. This session will examine key intellectual skills for infants and children from birth to five years of age, noting their implications for children’s behaviours.

Language Development

With special focus on identifying language delays

This session will outline the major milestones for talking and their implications for other developmental domains such as play and self-regulation. It will cover the different amounts of exposure to language across social classes, with (by five years of age) a 40-million word deficit in disadvantaged children compared to the children of professional parents. It will outline how educators can stimulate children’s language development, particularly for those who are disadvantaged.

Gross and fine motor development

With special focus on sensory integration difficulties

Children are built to move and, given that movement uses both sides of the brain, it is the best preparation for learning to read, which similarly requires the use of both hemispheres of the brain. Thus, the importance of movement will be emphasised. Fine motor (hand) control is also vital, while seating position when using the hands is fundamental to success.

Social and emotional development

Children’s emotions are more intense than adults and as babies they must communicate everything that they feel, in order to receive the care they need to stay alive. But by middle childhood, they need to have learned how to regulate their emotions. Learning to do so is the main emotional task of the early childhood years.

Bonus material

This course series comes complete with live webinars, recorded playback options, and downloadable content

  • Recorded Video Content

    Complete the course in your own time with all self-paced video content.

  • Resources

    You will have access to downloadable PDF content material.

  • Professional Learning Notebook

    Take all your notes on the Professional Learning Notebook provided as a complimentary download from 'Reflections of an Educator'.

Course curriculum

    1. How to use this platform

    2. Student Walkthrough

    3. About your instructor - Dr Louise Porter

    4. Before we begin...

    5. Your Professional Learning Notebook - a free gift from Phoenix Support for Educators

    1. What is intellectual development?

    2. Recorded Webinar - Intellectual Development

    3. Schema Resource

    4. Intellectual Development Workbook

    1. What is language development?

    2. Recorded Webinar - Language Development

    3. Language Development Workbook

    1. What is gross and fine motor development?

    2. Recorded Webinar - Gross and Fine Motor Development

    3. Gross and Fine Motor Development Workbook

    1. What is social and emotional development?

    2. Recorded Webinar - Social And Emotional Development

    3. Children's Development- Social and emotional Development Handout

    1. Child development: the first year

    2. Child development: 1-2 years

    3. Child development: 2-3 years

    4. Child development: 3-4 years

    5. Child development: 4-5 years

About this course

  • $192.00
  • 27 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content

Learning Objectives mapped to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

The course content and professional learning activities directly align with relevant Standard Descriptors of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

By the end of the course, teachers will have a strong understanding of child development. This course will delve into four different areas of child development – intellectual, language, gross/fine motor and social/emotional development.

1.1    The Participants will be developing their knowledge around children’s physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics and how these may affect their learning.

1.2    The Participants will further demonstrate their knowledge of teaching strategies and be responsive to children’s learning. They will be able to confidently identify children’s strengths and how this implicates teaching.

1.5  Participants will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of strategies for differentiating teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities. 

2.1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concepts, substance and structure of the content and teaching strategies of the teaching area. 

3.3 Participants will be able to use a range of teaching strategies.

3.6 Participants will be able to demonstrate broad knowledge of strategies that can be used to evaluate teaching programs to improve students learning.

6.1 Participants will be able to identify and plan professional learning needs.

6.3 Participants will be able to collaborate with colleagues to improve their practices. 

6.4 Participants will be able to apply professional learning and improve student learning.

Your Facilitator

PhD, MA(Hons), MGiftedEd, DipEd, BA, BIntStuds Child Psychologist Dr Louise Porter

Dr Louise Porter, PhD, MA(Hons), MGiftedEd, DipEd, BA, BIntStuds, Child Psychologist is passionate about safeguarding children’s self-esteem, promoting their social skills, and supporting their resilience in the face of the challenges that life often raises. Louise advocates for teaching children to behave considerately, being mindful of how their behaviour affects others, rather than what consequences it may earn them. She has taught at university, conducted a private practice for 30 years, and worked in both mainstream and disability agencies and schools. She is an outstanding author of some of the best texts in the world on the topic of guidance. Louise is a popular speaker throughout Australia and internationally.

What people think of this course:

5 star rating

Children's development with Dr Louise Porter

Amanda R

A very enlightening course, that made one think and re-evaluate my own beliefs and ideals.

A very enlightening course, that made one think and re-evaluate my own beliefs and ideals.

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5 star rating

I joined the live webinar. It was excellent.

Rhonda Murphy

The content was very practical

The content was very practical

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5 star rating

Cognitive Development

Shana Upiter

Louise's presentation made me realise how much we still have to learn. Thank you for giving me such an important overview to gain a deeper understanding in ...

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Louise's presentation made me realise how much we still have to learn. Thank you for giving me such an important overview to gain a deeper understanding in some of the behaviour we observe.

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5 star rating


Rachel Anderton

Really important to remind ourselves of the realistic development in all age groups and allow ourselves to reflect on our practices and what is appropriate.

Really important to remind ourselves of the realistic development in all age groups and allow ourselves to reflect on our practices and what is appropriate.

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  • How long will this course take to complete?

    We estimate that this course will take you 5-7 hours to complete. This includes the time it will take to watch through all 4 of the videos in the series.

  • How long will I have access to the course?

    You will have 6 weeks to complete this course. This allows for 1 hour of webinar a week for the first 4 weeks and then 2 weeks to re-watch the webinar or catch up on any content that you may have missed.

  • How do I get my certificate?

    To receive your certificate, you must click on 'Complete & Continue' on every page of the course. Once you've done this your certificate download button should come up in the top left corner of your course, where the progress bar is.

Pricing options

Choose from Individual or team logins