Register now for this powerful online event

Self paced recorded content

You've heard about the Masterclass touring Australian cities for the past few years - well now you can be there no matter where you live!

Dr Louise Porter and Sandi Phoenix will be supporting you in rethinking behaviour ‘management’ over a three day Masterclass of both recorded and live content.

Join us for a powerful class to re-think and re-frame the role of teachers and educators in supporting children’s emerging social competence. This event will flex your thinking, question your knowing, and change your practice forever.

This event will begin on the first day of the month - scroll down to The Program section for detailed Program information.  

What you'll get

This online course is designed to maximise your learning opportunity while fitting in with your schedule

  • Bonus content

    'Getting started content' is released one week before the Masterclass so you have a chance to familiarise yourself with some content and the course layout. Workbooks and downloads will also be made available at this time. If you haven't yet seen it, The Jayden & Sally story will be available for viewing.

  • Manageable chunks

    The Masterclass (recorded with a live audience over one full day), is broken up into short sessions for you to watch on video at your own pace over the Masterclass content week.

  • Live Q&A Panel with Dr Louise Porter & Sandi Phoenix

    At the end of the Masterclass, you'll have the opportunity to join a 1.5 hour live Q&A Panel with Dr Louise Porter and Sandi Phoenix. Send your questions in or bring them with you on the night. This session will be recorded if you can't make it to the live.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Masterclass Participants

    2. Participant walk through video

    3. Links to Standards

    4. Before we begin...

    1. Day 1 - Reflection Activity Booklet

    2. Mastering behaviour guidance theory - Introduction

    3. Mastering behaviour guidance theory - Beliefs

    4. Mastering Behaviour Guidance Theory - Values

    5. Behaviour Guidance as Prevention - Practice and Program Adjustments

    6. Day 1 Quiz

    1. Day 2 - Reflection Activity Booklet

    2. The Phoenix Cups Framework

    3. Understanding and Planning for Children's Behavioural and Social Learning

    4. Approaches to Children's Behaviour and Their Impact on Self Esteem

    5. Provocations for Meeting Needs and Rights in an Education and Care Setting

    6. Day 2 Quiz

    1. Day 3 - Reflection Activity Booklet

    2. Brainstorm some strategies in this solutions triangle

    3. A New Way To Look at 'Attention Seeking' Behaviour

    4. The Connection Plan - A Behaviour Reward Chart That Will Actually Work!

    5. Alternatives To Punishment from a Guidance Approach

    6. The Solutions Focused Conversation Framework

    7. Bonus - Leading Change with A Solution Focused Conversation

    8. Day 3 Quiz

    1. Dr. Louise Porter's Notes

    2. Dr. Louise Porter's PDF Downloads

    3. The Phoenix Cups - Brainstorming Page

    4. Identifying Red Flags for Development

    5. Red Flags Guide for Early Intervention

About this course

  • $298.00
  • 44 lessons
  • 7.5 hours of video content

Participant outcomes

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to be a part of leading behaviour change in education and care.

  • Mastering behaviour guidance

    Dr Louise Porter will suggest how educators can prevent most behavioural disruptions in children by meeting the children's needs. Q&A sessions about the implementation of a guidance approach will shed some light on practical strategies.

  • Mastering The Phoenix Cups framework

    Explore the reasons and functions that drive children’s behaviour as developing human beings using the Phoenix Cups Framework. If you're a seasoned Phoenix Cupser, you'll love this session. If you're new to the Phoenix Cups (or need revision) don't worry, we'll catch you up before the day with some exclusive resources and video recording so you come to the day ready to master.

  • Leading behaviour change in education settings

    You’re excited and inspired but how do you pollinate this change to your team? The end of the day will focus on discussion about how you can become change agents to sustain ongoing reflective practice at your service.

Who is this for?

This Masterclass is specifically designed for educators working in the early childhood education and care sector in Australia, however, the concepts and ideas within this course are transferable to work with any age child, in many sectors, and across the globe.

  • Educators

  • Carers

  • Teachers

  • Nannies

  • Early years practitioners

  • Youth workers

The Program

Recommended schedule for your self-paced course.



Pre-Masterclass work

The Jayden and Sally story – A 40 minute video about inclusion, teaching in the early years, children’s behaviour, fairness, and equity.


Mastering behaviour guidance theory & principles

All of our practices rest on our beliefs and values. In this session, Louise examines first what we believe about children’s behaviours. She concludes that, for people of all ages, our behaviours are an attempt to meet our needs. However, because children's brains are not yet fully developed, some of the strategies that they use to meet their needs might create conflict with those around them. We do not punish people for being in need. Therefore, when conflict happens, we solve it, rather than punishing children for it. This belief that children are just trying to meet their needs aligns with early childhood values, which Louise will discuss. Finally, she will give an overview of practices.

Behaviour guidance as a prevention of outbursts

Prevention is the base of all practices, represented by the bottom layer of our model - The Solutions Triangle. Prevention rests on the principle that children will be more engaged and less prone to outbursts when what we are asking them to do, and how we are asking them to do it, meets their needs. Therefore, this session will examine some of the routines in early childhood services that can provoke behaviours that challenge us – and how we can make these routines easier for the children to accomplish.


The Phoenix Cups Framework

The Phoenix Cups is a philosophical framework that creates a shared language to explore ideas and understandings about human behaviour. In this session, Sandi will provide an overview of the theoretical thinking behind the framework including Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Glasser’s Choice theory, Humanistic Psychology, and Positive Psychology. The Phoenix Cups framework presents individual needs profiles as big and small Cups, where met and unmet needs are represented by full and empty Cups, interacting to drive behavioural choices. Educators will be encouraged to consider their own ‘needs profile’ and analyse how their own behaviours are driven by their needs.

Using the Phoenix Cups as a model for understanding children's behaviour

The Phoenix Cups framework provides a common language to easily communicate ideas and strategies with a focus on meeting needs rather than managing behaviours. In this session educators will be presented with a solution focused conversation framework and then be given the opportunity to explore behaviour strategies that will address the underlying function of the child’s behaviour.

Meeting children’s need for self-esteem

The outcome of belonging is a sense of worth; and the outcome of mastery is a sense of competence. These two aspects make up our self-esteem. They are separate and work in opposite ways: We gain a sense of competence by earning it through our efforts, whereas a sense of worth is, ideally, given – unconditionally. When, however, we tell children that they are ‘good' for getting things right, we are linking their worth (goodness or badness) to their competence. Ever after, they try to feel worthy by becoming competent – which never works. In this session, Louise will explain why, and how we can foster an authentic self-esteem in the children in our lives.

Provocations for meeting needs and rights in an education and care setting

Often we get stuck doing things because they've always been done that way. Meaningful critical reflection can often be sparked by a good question. In this session we will discuss each of the Phoenix Cups; Safety, Connection, Mastery, Freedom, and Fun, individually. Educators will explore their own practices, programs, routines, and transitions, and reflect on how Cup filling or Cup emptying different aspects of the program are and discuss the effect this has on behaviour.


Videos will be released at 9am and available all day (approx 1.5 hours of video content)

Connection seeking and Connection Planning

‘Attention seeking’ is commonly heard as an ‘explanation’ about why children choose certain behaviours. However, there is little merit to this term and it holds very little usefulness in understanding or planning for behavioural learning. Instead, Sandi suggests a reframe to ‘Connection Seeking’ then shares some thinking, evidence, and research behind this idea that gives it much more credibility and usefulness.

Planning for meaningful interactions and connected relationships is arguably one of the most important aspects of a curriculum. In this session, educators will have the opportunity to consider the ‘magic ratio’ of interactions and reflect on how to move toward connection planning using a simple yet effective tool.

Alternatives to punishment

Having prevented outbursts by meeting children’s needs whenever possible and solved problems as they arise, finally (at the highest level in our model), we will still need to respond to the occasional meltdown. We will not punish children for lacking more skilful ways to meet their needs, because that would be punishing them for being children – because children are not yet totally skilful. Their brain is still developing. In this session, therefore, Louise will explain how we can respond to challenges when they arise and how to teach children to regulate their own feelings and impulses, both for the benefit of those around them but also for the children’s own comfort. No one enjoys being worked up.

Meet the Facilitators

Principal Facilitator Sandi Phoenix

Sandi is the founding company director and principal facilitator at Phoenix Support for Educators. Her framework, The Phoenix Cups, have revolutionised how education & care professionals and parents, understand the behaviour of, and proactively plan for, the wellbeing of children and young people. She is highly regarded as an international speaker, coach, mentor, and professional development facilitator.

PhD, MA(Hons), MGiftedEd, DipEd, BA, BIntStuds Child Psychologist Dr Louise Porter

Dr Louise Porter, PhD, MA(Hons), MGiftedEd, DipEd, BA, BIntStuds, Child Psychologist is passionate about safeguarding children’s self-esteem, promoting their social skills, and supporting their resilience in the face of the challenges that life often raises. Louise advocates for teaching children to behave considerately, being mindful of how their behaviour affects others, rather than what consequences it may earn them. She has taught at university, conducted a private practice for 30 years, and worked in both mainstream and disability agencies and schools. She is an outstanding author of some of the best texts in the world on the topic of guidance. Louise is a popular speaker throughout Australia and internationally.


  • How much does it cost?

    This online program is $198 AUD per participant. If you require bulk logins (10 participants or more), please get in touch via [email protected] or phone 1300 361 243 to request a bulk buy discount coupon code. Check out more about our company packages here

  • How long does the masterclass take to complete?

    The Masterclass can be completed in one full day (approximately 6 hours including videos and readings). We recommend doing it over one week, however, you will have access for the whole month.

  • Will I get a certificate?

    Yes! Once you've completed all of the content here, you'll be issued with a personalised downloadable participation certificate. Yay!

  • Is this the same program that was delivered at events on the tour in 2019?

    Yes. For the past three years, this class has been delivered at events in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, and Cairns! It evolved and changed over that time but the last time it was presented by Sandi and Louise was on the Gold Coast in February 2020 to a class of 100 participants. That event was recorded so that YOU can participate from the comfort of your own home or workplace.

  • What professional standards does this Masterclass link to?

    The Masterclass addresses the following teaching standards and National Quality Standards (Australian) Element 1.1.1 Approved learning framework Curriculum decision making contributes to each child’s learning and development outcomes in relation to their identity, connection with community, wellbeing, confidence as learners and effectiveness as communicators. Element 1.1.2 Child-centred Each child’s current knowledge, strengths, ideas, culture, abilities and interests are the foundation of the program. Element 1.1.3 Program learning opportunities All aspects of the program, including routines, are organised in ways that maximise opportunities for each child’s learning. Element 1.2.1 Intentional teaching Educators are deliberate, purposeful, and thoughtful in their decisions and actions. Element 1.2.3 Child directed learning Each child's agency is promoted, enabling them to make choices and decisions that influence events and their world. Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (Please note - this course is not yet NESA approved)

Company packages

Registering your whole team or company?

For companies looking to bulk-buy registrations to the Masterclass we’re here to help. The first solution is the more logins you purchase, the better the price. The good news is we've got more in store for you than just a good deal to ensure a successful package.

Pricing options

Pay up front or split payment. Contact us for other alternatives at [email protected]

What people think of this course:

5 star rating

The Children's Behaviour Masterclass

Kristy Gynn

I thought this was very detailed and very informative.

I thought this was very detailed and very informative.

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5 star rating


Karen Cartwright

I found the course to be enlightening to a different way of understanding and approach to children who at first thought to have challenging behaviours to chi...

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I found the course to be enlightening to a different way of understanding and approach to children who at first thought to have challenging behaviours to children who just need their cup filled.

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5 star rating

Filling cups to guide behaviour choices

Natasha Lunnon

I really enjoyed this course

I really enjoyed this course

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5 star rating

Great masterclass

julia Tiepun

Learned a lot about children’s behaviour, a lot to think about and implement, doing things a different. Really like the saying you need to know better to do ...

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Learned a lot about children’s behaviour, a lot to think about and implement, doing things a different. Really like the saying you need to know better to do better.

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